Understanding magic

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Understanding magic
Post # 1
You know like anyone else I've been told that magic isn't real and not to believe in it I was born in a certain religion and was told that it was a sin to believe in anything of the sort but as I'm growing older i can't help but think that theirs something more out there then what I was taught so I feel like I need a much better understanding of the subject before I start learning it I would ask anyone out there with this problem to contact me on what you did to overcome this obstacle
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Re: Understanding magic
Post # 2
I'm trying to be a Mage tht has balance of both white and black magic
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Re: Understanding magic
Post # 3
For starters, you should understand that magick isn't like what it is portrayed as by the media and pop culture. It isn't like Harry Potter, where you can snap your fingers, and Boom! Whatever you want appears before your eyes. It is subtle in its workings and merely influences the world around it, not controls.

As for black and white magick, this is only my opinion, they do not exist in essence. They are simply labels given to more complex things, as the world is not just black and white. It is a variety of colors that the average human eye can observe.
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Re: Understanding magic
Post # 4
Everything is energy! From the table to your body just on different levels. When you perform any magical work you are useing will and intent to perverbially drop a rock in a lake. It creates ripples! The bigger the rock the bigger the ripple! So the more will and intent the stronger the spell. The more energy you gather the stronger the work.
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Re: Understanding magic
Post # 5
I just figure as long as you use spells not thought of as evil to much you should be okay but what do you think necromancy is white magic or black magic
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Re: Understanding magic
Post # 6
I believe that necromancy is neither good nor evil. Like I stated before, the world isn't just black and white.
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