
CovenSpell Casters ► Aura?
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Post # 1
Can anyone teach me about aura?
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Re: Aura?
Post # 2

Well, what do you want to know?

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Re: Aura?
Post # 3

Auras first off are the energy around living sources. This question happens to be very common..when a child you can see auras very well, but when you grow you start believing that it isn't there, so your aura disappears.

The question is, how do I see auras again? In order to see auras again you must follow the steps . I will although start with yourself:

  1. Step into a room with a white or black background.
  2. Lift up your palm and stare at it, don't strain your eyes, relax your eyes and stare, if you can please look on the sides of your eyes, I think its called minecular vision.
  3. You will start seeing a transparent glow.
  4. The more you practice your will start seeing different colors.

Warning: If you lose focus, you will have to start from the beginning.

Now I am going to tell you how to do it with another person:

  1. Bring over your friend.
  2. Have him stand about 10 ft. away.
  3. Have him look at you face to face.
  4. You can stare at his nose or the middle of his head.
  5. Remember to stare at them with the side of your eyes.
  6. You will start seeing a transparent aura, the more you practice the more color you will get.

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Re: Aura?
Post # 4
@witchessong that was helpful thank you
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Re: Aura?
Post # 5
@blackcat01 what can you tell me
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Re: Aura?
Post # 6
Colors and their meanings, I'll send you a message later today.
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Re: Aura?
Post # 7
Thank you
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