Hi all

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Hi all
Post # 1
Merry Meet

i am new here. My name is Ansuya and my craft name is Shadow-Moon.

Blessed Be
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Re: Hi all
Post # 2
hi and welcome to the site
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Re: Hi all
Post # 3
Hi there

Thank you very much
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Re: Hi all
Post # 4
hi there welcome to the site hope u like it.
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Re: Hi all
By: / Novice
Post # 5
ansuya, nice name. :)
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Re: Hi all
Post # 6
Thank you very much
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Re: Hi all
Post # 7
Your new, so am i lol, hey
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Re: Hi all
Post # 8
Allie, you are new, if you would like I can teach you Vodun.
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Re: Hi all
Post # 9
No thats ok, Im not sure Vodun, is right for me.
But thanks.
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