Tormenting dream

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Tormenting dream
Post # 1
I've been having the same dream over and over for a few weeks in a row, and it literally, exactly the same each night. There's something tied to a cliff I'm supposed to get, but no matter how hard I try to get it, in the end it falls into the abyss. I then hear blood-curdling cries of pain and agony that don't stop, and no matter how hard I can't wake up until it runs its course. Does anyone know why this would happen? I need help, please.

Re: Tormenting dream
Post # 2
Well I have recurring dreams as well and I know what your going through. It may be that you or someone close to you is going through a tough time in life and may really needs some help and by you saying that no matter how hard your try to get it, in the end it falls in to the abyss, symbolizes a sense of helplessness. For me, any time I have recurring dreams, it means that its something major that is going to happen. I hope this helps

Re: Tormenting dream
Post # 3
i have dreams that happen over and over again and up with distruction too, sometimes they happen for months but i get to a point where i break the dreams code and stop the distruction, it usually means you have something buried inside and you have to find a way to either brake it or accept it and move on. i suggest working out what ever you feel is wrong in your dream and thinking of ways in the dream where you can stop it from happening, and eventually your mind will work it out on its own

Re: Tormenting dream
Post # 4
try to get an feeling of saveness, happyness and peace and 1 time it must go right and should be gone
try an friend casting an good dream spell over you when faling asleep

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