Identifying Magical Items

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Identifying Magical Items
Post # 1
Hello everyone, I'm fairly new to this stuff, so please excuse any missteps.

Yesterday, I've found a necklace in a forest by my house, and I began wondering if it had any sort of magic on it. I'm not a "natural wiccan/witch" as I've heard said every once in a while, so I can't say I "felt" anything when I picked it up. I was wondering:

1) Is there a method of detecting if an item is enchanted? I'd prefer methods with few materials, or ways of coaxing out that "feeling", but all methods are welcome and good to keep on hand - helps with a complete understanding and such..

2) Is there a way to identify what that enchantment is, or at the very least identify things about that magic, such as the intent, or "color"..

3) A more broad question, how exactly do enchantments work? What should I know before tackling this?

Thanks in advance for any and all input!
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Re: Identifying Magical Items
Post # 2
Hello there ^_^ And to answer your questions:

1) If an item is believed to be enchanted, it wi give off a certain type of energy from or around it. (The "feeling" miht be empowering)

2) A way that you could detect the sort of "intent" from the object is that:
- Touch, hold, or place hands on the object
- Ask yourself, how do I feel around this?
- Classify your emotions ( Blessed, tired, empowered, energized, grounded, possibly tired, hurt, etc )
The intent lays within the object

3) Enchantments can be classified in many ways. From my opinion, it is, " A spell cast onto a certain object to enhance the effects based on the practitioner's will."

I hope this helped, blessed be.
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Re: Identifying Magical Items
Post # 3
Excuse the typos, *will *might
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