Summoning Spirits

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Summoning Spirits
Post # 1
Is it true the spells which i mentioned below summons spirit ???

"Earth, bone,And winding sheet,Let this spirit Come to me-
Yet send it In peace, Or not at all."

Can anyone authenticate this one ??
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Re: Summoning Spirits
Post # 2
I have never heard of this one, but there are many invocations that have been changed over the years from the originals.

If I can be of any help or if you need a summoning spell for a specific reason, then let me know.

Blessed Be

Dancing Voice
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Re: Summoning Spirits
Post # 3
I have a spell for summoning spirits:

4 orange candles

Cast a magick circle. Place one candle in the North, one in the South, one in the East and one in the West, facing West, light the candle and chant:

'Obey these words of power.'

Facing East, light the candle and chant:

'Watchers of the threshold, watchers at the gate.'

Facing North, light the candle and chant:

'Unbar the guarded door.'

Facing South, light the candle and chant:

'Obey this command of this servant of power.'

Chant these verses 3 times. The spirits will come to serve you and your coven.
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