I have gone to the spells section of these website and i saw a lot of spells there so i am wondering, do these spells work and where can i get the materials to use. Do i need a special kinda skill? I dont really need the spell to work for me, i was hoping to i could help people with it too.
They work as long as you believe they work. The moment you think they don't work, magik will stop working for you. Pick the spells the have 4 or 5 stars, those tend to be more reliable. You can buy spell material in the grocery, spices, candles and scented oils are usually there.
thanks usagitan, so this is a faith thing. i am not really good with that, i mean faith. there's a way the doubt keep creeping in on me if you know what i mean lol.
Magic just doesn't require belief. It requires a working knowledge of how the practice works. When looking at spells here or anywhere, ask yourself, "can this be done without magic?" This question is a basic one that will help you through out your research for the time being.
Do not take the suggestion of the rating of the spells, even fake, also known as fluffy, spells are rated highly.
yes and no. for starters you should learn what magick can and cannot do. magick isn't the same as what you see in movies. there are two kinds of magick really, stage magic which is illusions to entertain, and spiritual magick [sometimes spelled with a 'k' to differentiate the two] which involves energy, belief, focus, and effort. spiritual magick is a part of nature, as spell casters we bring energy found everywhere in everything into our bodies, focus it into an object [candles, herbs, crystals called for in our spells] and through the spell casting process release this energy [now given a positive or negative charge] forth on one path to our goal. most of these spells [such as love, healing and jobs] need effort form you as well. if you cast a love spell, you should talk to people. the gods/universe will see the effort you are putting forward and will send someone your way. this does not mean Prince Charming will suddenly appear next to you, this could mean one day as you're walking home, you get the sudden urge to go into a store, you go in, and the man working behind the counter asks you out. magick is energy, and it is felt, rarely is it seen, it works in subtlties, which is why it's hard to prove to those who wish for us to turn them into a toad or something.
now that i've explained a bit about magick, and thats is a natural force, you should realize it does have limits, and it's limited to the laws of nature. this is why spells to fly or transform or turn invisible do not work because as humans it is not in our nature to do these things. spells on this site have been divided into categories, when starting out, avoid spells in the trick or fantasy section and 99% of these do not work. they were added by people who don't know what spiritual magick is, and because only the site administrator can remove them, and he's very busy, they stay on the site for a long time. spells that involve energy and/or forces such as protection, cleansing, luck, love, wealth, or healing do work as it does not create a physical change. as you go on you'll come across grey areas where people argue if the spells work or not [such as weather spells] as a beginner you should avoid them anyway, but as you continue your studies, you should draw your own conclusion about these spells.
[where] can i get the materials to use?
anywhere really. some simple ones like herbs can be grown, or found in the woods, parks, and trails around most peoples homes. candles can be found at a dollar store, a home decorating store, walmart, and some grocery stores to name a few. [most food items can be found in super markets and/or organic health food stores] some feel beeswax candles are best, i tend to use the synthetic candles and i haven't seen a problem, so go with whichever you feel is best. crystals can be harder to find, if there is no occult or new age shop in your area, hobby stores and some museums can have crystals. if you live in a tourist area some stores sell stones that could be used.
Do i need a special kinda skill?
you don't need to be born in a long line of witches if that's what you mean. it might pass on some magickal skills, it helps more as having a person to help you in your studies. anyone has the potential to do magick, though some people are more naturally skilled an others. myself i'm better with luck and healing than job spells [every one i've tried failed... or had a 8-12 month charging period] you should study, meditate, balance your chakras, and do energy work before casting to increase your chances of success. going in blink for anything rarely works well, and if you cast a spell by simply reading off a piece of paper instead of focusing and memorizing the words [or remembering roughly the chant] it's not casting a spell as much as reading by candlelight.
wow nekoshema game the most comprehensive answer to the question i ask. after reading it i feel hopeful.
My perception of magic has changed. basically i think magic is not like chemistry like i thought where you mix this and that and you get this or that. thanks everyone
heres" a bit of advice that I was given and it has stuck to me. If you beleive that you have the power within you to use the magic spells then use them wisely and kindly.
This has already been very clearly stated but:
Spells will work if you believe they will, and 3-5 star rating spells tend to be more reliable. Also SoM has an online shop with everything you need like candles, etc.
Hope this helped.