I need a spell

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I need a spell
Post # 1
If you've seen the movie the Craft you will know excatly what I want. I want a spell the will make someone fall in love with me. Like she did in the movie. If you know any that work please mail me. Thanx
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Re: I need a spell
Post # 2
sorry they dont exist. i guess the only thing left is to cast an hero spell....
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Re: I need a spell
Post # 3
they are all over the web.

some here will say not to do it because of "free will", and they might be right. but they might be wrong. its your choice.

you can find it anywhere, just research it, just make sure you have a firm knowledge of magick first.

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Re: I need a spell
Post # 4
pepoel say you cna't interfree someoens will tha'ts SORTA true. love spells work but makign the perosn see a new loning figure of you BUT IT"S THIER CHOICE if they want to date you.. the more extreme the enrgy the better the spell. i recomned the spell that you write a heart in red... if you wnat tm e to i'l give you the link to it.. oh and form personal expreince.... ONLY CAST ONE!!!!!! if you cast more they won't work as well ro not at all and make you acutlaly fall in lvoe with the perosn...
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