why don't my spells work?

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why don't my spells work?
Post # 1
I tried a spell about, half an hour ago, and so far I haven't seen any changes. It was a spell to become more attractive. But, that's not it. Over the last few months, ever spell I've tried hasn't worked, at all. And I don't know why.
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Re: why don
Post # 2
Do you meditate? When do you perform the spells? Where do you perform the spells? How experienced are you? Are you using ones you made up? Did you substitute any materials? Did you have all the materials? Answer these questions and find out hte answer yourself.
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Re: why don
Post # 3
Do you meditate? When do you perform the spells? Where do you perform the spells? How experienced are you? Are you using ones you made up? Did you substitute any materials? Did you have all the materials? Answer these questions and find out hte answer yourself.

I meditate. I perform the spells usually at night. I perform them in my room. I guess I'm not that experienced. I've only been Wiccan for about 1 year and a half. No, they're not ones I made up, and I don't substitute any materials. And I had all the materials
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Re: why don
Post # 4
Maybe it just didn't work. Not all the time will spells work.
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Re: why don
Post # 5
well i'm the same i've only tried simple spells and i don't know if they work or not.

and i really need help please
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