looking for guidance

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looking for guidance
Post # 1
I've only been casting spells for less than a year and they've all seemed to be quickly successful. I've used spells I've found here, on other sites, in books, ones I've written myself and some that were a mixture. Is there a way to determine if it's my spell or coincidence.
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Re: looking for guidance
Post # 2
Sorry. I meant for that last sentence to end with a question mark.
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Re: looking for guidance
Post # 3
The short answer is no.

The long answer would be, by noting down every single spell you cast along with a list of variables such as weather, physical and mental status- perhaps even astrological patterns and moonsigns.

You then note down each time you have yielded an effect pertinent to your spell and the duration it took. Over time you will be able to see if the spells are effective, reliable and predictable in a time frame- or if it is more likely to be coincidence.

When people ask this question my usual response is, "Who cares? You got what you wanted!".
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Re: looking for guidance
Post # 4
That's a good point. The outcome is what I needed. But I put a lot of energy, time and effort into my spells. If it's coincidence I shouldn't waste my time and energy performing them. It's a good idea for me to start keeping track of conditions when I cast spells. That hadn't occurred to me and might be helpful. Thanks.
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