Why spell don't work

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Why spell don't work
Post # 1
I saw at many people that they think we are in movies,tv series etc.I mean many peoples (beginners in magick)think if you blink spell works.For a good spell you must know first how to meditate because when you meditate your mind cleans and you can focus on what do you want to do.Then you must now how to visualization,but remember even if you are very skill in meditation and visualization a spell can failed because many facts (Moon phase for example).You can use candles for your spell (exemple:red for love)So you must study,learn then you can do a spell.I hope I help you.Good luck!!!
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Re: Why spell don't work
Post # 2
Correction* It doesn't depend on what you do before, it depends what you do in the spell, and how. Anyways, yes it will help if you take a bath, ur heritage but that is not the only thing to do in order for a spell. Also no spells fail due to person doing something wring, not having enough belief, or even the ingredients.

Other things will be bad though, like the correspondence's can change.
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Re: Why spell don't work
Post # 3
Don't forget one of the keys to magick which is faith for it to work and don't forget to put energy into a particular spell
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Re: Why spell don't work
Post # 4
Cra,thanks for correction but I want to emphasize what you must do when you cast a spell,And I write this post because exist some people which think if we blink spell will working.And of course it's important what we do in our ritual but if we have a clear mind we can focus on what we want and this thing make a spell powerful.So when we cast our spell we must focus on what we want.Have a great day :)
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