New to the Site not Magic

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New to the Site not Magic
Post # 1
Hello, my name is Anna, I am 22 years old, and I was raised to worship nature. I remember my father cutting an apple in half and saying "Look, there are the 5 elements." and he then did so with an orange, a banana, and so on. "The signs are everywhere" he said. And indeed they are. I am your basic kitchen witch. I make all sorts of potions, anointment oils, and sachets. I'm all green. I have no particular pantheon. I figure, why give a name to the things that just be. I wouldn't sayI have a spirit animal, but I do have such a fondness towards trees. I also practice Clairvoyance with the cards, runes, and my natural given intuition. Be careful of which you seek, for you may see too much! One thing I'd liek to add, is, don't over use magic. You can mess up your life path something awful by trying to control everything! But um, yes, I've been here many times, and some spells are pretty good and I've had results! But um, happy to finally join you all!
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Re: New to the Site not Magic
Post # 2
Nice to have you with us. There is a great deal of info on this site, hope you enjoy it and add onto your path.
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