Black salt

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Black salt
Post # 1
What is Black Salt?

One great aspect about working with black salt is the symbolism you gather from using it. Black salt can be used for both works of good and can be used to curse your eneimies. Use it to drive away the negaitaty in your home, keep unwelcome guest's from returning, and simple to use.

When used in hoodoo tradtion the black salt is praised for its uses and powers. Some claim just speaking out loud to the salt when throwing it on someone can curse or heal the target. The salt can be made at home very simply with the same results. Ash, black pepper, iron scraps, charcoal, or even simple black food coloring can act as a prime blackener for the salt.

One example:

1 cup of Black pepper
1 cup incense ash
2 cups sea salt

Crush, shake, and mash together!
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Re: Black salt
Post # 2
Thank you for this. I found if very useful as I never knew before how to make it or realized how powerful it could be. I had heard it was just used for marking out a circle, but I see it has much more of a varied use.
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