Hidden Power

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Hidden Power
Post # 1
is there a way for some1 to find out if they have a hidden power they never knew about besides going to a psychic?
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Re: Hidden Power
Post # 2
Deep meditation, focusing on what you would like to know before entering the meditation process.
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Re: Hidden Power
Post # 3
what should i think about while im meditating
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Re: Hidden Power
Post # 4
I would be also suggest meditating but while you do, look inside yourself to the place your power comes from. The place you pull energy from when you use spells. Meditate deeply on this.

Another method I would suggest would be a truth spell. Good luck and blessed be.
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Re: Hidden Power
Post # 5
Where does power come from inside you?
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Re: Hidden Power
Post # 6
it all comes from your will,desire and your heart mizu...
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Re: Hidden Power
Post # 7
Simply meditate at dark night and ask your mind by words or mantras again and again untill you success.

And for the power question the power comes from many diffrent things for example from the faith mind will and energies.
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