Using a wand questions.

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Using a wand questions.
Post # 1
I'm making my own wand, and I know the basics of it. But when and how would you use the wand? I know its to concentrate your energy and intention but I don't really understand when or how it'd be used in a spell. Any help would be really great! Thank you.
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Re: Using a wand questions.
Post # 2
You simply collect and focus energy with the wand, and then transmit that energy into the spell. I do this by in the beginning of the spell, I will channel the energy into the wand. At the end of the spell, I hold it in the air, or will use the gemstone at the end of the wand to extinguish to flames and let the wand soak up the smoke.

It's really any preference, just as long as the energy is channeled in the beginning, and it will automatically flow through at the end on its own if you don't guide it. You could simply hold it through performing the whole spell.
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Re: Using a wand questions.
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
my wand i set on my alter before casting... and if it feels right, or i just know i have to release energy with my wand directly, i pick it up.

winterleaf is right-- its preference
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