Psi suggestions?

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Psi suggestions?
Post # 1
I'm a novice witch, as you may know, but I've learned how to make a psi ball and recently began practicing creating them regularly. I Believe I'm doing it right-- I draw energy from either the earth or the universe, and in short order my fingers go numb, I can feel pressure on my hands not unlike I'm trying to force two magnets together, my palms tingle a bit, and I feel some warmth gather-- And if my research is correct, I can do a whole host of things with one of these, and I've read that energy manipulation is used often in magick. I don't want to get in over my head, so I'd like some some suggestions of some simple things to do with a psi ball before I try doing anything complicated.
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Re: Psi suggestions?
Post # 2
Try putting an intention into the psi ball while you create it, or say a mantra as you begin to make it form. Adding a psi ball will make a spell more effective, or if you make a psi ball for protection, can keep your spell grounded. You can also use psi balls as a meditation technique to clear your mind and start yourself out on a good path.

Well, I hope I've helped :)


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Re: Psi suggestions?
Post # 3
Thanks! I'll be sure to try those next.
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