Help a newbie?

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Help a newbie?
Post # 1
I'm kind of new to this but I have been looking into it for a while - books, websites, etc. I've even tried casting a spell, but as far as I can tell, it has had no effects. I have been interested in witchcraft ever since I can remember and now I am finally acting on it. I have been waiting to for a while. So, with that said, can you guys offer any tips, pointers, any thing? Thank you :)
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Re: Help a newbie?
Post # 2
You shouldn't start with spells you should start by researching more about meditation, grounding and centering, chakras these things are some of the basics not with spells learn how to focus your mind and energy
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Re: Help a newbie?
Post # 3
Well, the reason your spell didn't work is because you had doubts while casting it. Keep a resolute attitude and believe the spell will work before, during, and after casting it. :)
Some tips:
Continue to read, learn, and grow
Understand the basics of magic
Learn how to channel your energy into your work

If you need any more advice, just ask :)
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