TV show enchanted

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TV show enchanted
Post # 1
Someone enchanted me threw a tv where I thought in the tv show someone was making fun of me what think of that guys and gals

Re: TV show enchanted
Post # 2
No, just... no.

Re: TV show enchanted
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

This is a bunch of nonsense and is considered role-playing which is a violation of the rules on this site. Continuing to post such fantasies will result in you no longer being able to post here.

Re: TV show enchanted
By: / Novice
Post # 4
I think you're jumping to conclusions, Shamir. If you're not just trolling us, you should wonder why that is. You might have prodromal De Clerambault's Syndrome or some form of paranoid schizophrenia. Get help from a professional psychiatrist because magic is not for people who cannot pause and double-check their thinking.

Re: TV show enchanted
Post # 5
What your saying has no creditably am sorry to say that

Re: TV show enchanted
By: / Novice
Post # 6
Shamir, I am surprised you are still a member, with all the nonsense you post. Brain chemicals, gum disease, and now tv. I suggest getting some education on what magick is and what can be done with it. Your posts show ignorance on the subject, so do some learning, please! And a brush up on spelling wouldn't hurt. (through; not threw)

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