Necromancy evil?

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Necromancy evil?
Post # 1
There is this a stigma associated with necromancy that stems from the notion that it's all about commanding armies of dead and scary possession. But as a witch I know this to be completely false and laughable. But real necromancy still borders on unorthodox practices using remains in spells, marking corpses, and defiling them in a manner that goes against many peoples beliefs. I have heard many times that magic is not evil but just a tool and only the people dictate how it's viewed. But many cultures celebrate death and use traditions that closly resemble necromancy like egyption book of the dead preperations. Voodoo and communing with the ancestors. Most of that is harmless to us and part of a grand traditions that really connects us to our roots and ancient wisdom. But what about the deceased who are at anothers beck and call a slave to the living forced out of their etenal rest. Is this evil or is just a body and the dead actually don't care what happens? Are the dead just a tool?
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Re: Necromancy evil?
Post # 2
Personally i think, when speaking in terms of karma, that forcing a spirit that is passed on to do something is on the same level as controlling someones free will. A spirit is what makes a person more than a bag of fluids so it would make sense that a spirit is still a person and falls under whatever you are willing to do to a another. That being said, i see no harm in communication and asking for help, just not the harming or controlling of innocent spirits. At the end of the day, magic is a tool, and you set your own morale standard.
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Re: Necromancy evil?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

Just as an aside, the Egyptian Book of the Dead has nothing to do with necromancy. The Book of the Dead is a collection of spells and information necessary for the departed soul to pass safely through the perils of the Underworld in order to reach the other life.

Necromancy, on the other hand, is a form of divination where the Necromancer calls upon the spirits of the dead in order to predict future events.

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Re: Necromancy evil?
Post # 4
I know thats why I said closely resembled because it is incantations, formulas and rituals to help their ba and ka travel safely into the underworld to become whole and at peace. Its still a magical tradition that entirely is about the dead. Just not for divination.
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Re: Necromancy evil?
Post # 5
I am a necromancer, born from a ling of native american shamans. necromancy originates as a form of divination and later.the name was used as a generalization for all forms of blck magic that had a conection with the dead. this is why it brings to mind thoughts of dark curces and cadaverouse rituals. in truth necromancy is a form of spirit magic and like other forms of spirit magic it can be detrimental to ones health if preformed incorectly. but like all magic its morality depends on the user.
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Re: Necromancy evil?
Post # 6
I believe that it is in small part as being evil when you force a spirit into a position to answer questions about the future and the like. This mostly has to do with free will. If you were to invite any spirit to come help with whatever ails thee, I don't see it as being evil.
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Re: Necromancy evil?
Post # 7
Necromancery is not a toy, it is the use of magic to bring the dead to life and command them. Even when someone is alive you should never use magic to control them or manipulate them. How is this any different when it comes to the dead, our bodies may be broken but our spirit and aura still live. When you use necromancery to bring back the dead, the person or thing you bring back still has a soul but it is mindless. Necromancery is also unpredictable, if the tiniest thing goes wrong in a spell or something is misplaced in a ritual; it has devastating results and could even end up killing the witch that cast the spell. I tell you here, necromancery is not something to joke about; there is never a good time for it, just let the dead rest in peace and they will live on in our hearts.
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Re: Necromancy evil?
Post # 8
Necromancy does not involve bringing the dead back to life and commanding them. It deals with death energy and spirits of those among the deceased. 'Real' necromancy used to be barbaric and violent in regards to it's practices, however adapted to a more ethical practice. Also, understand the difference between Necromancy, which is divination through the dead, and Necromantics, which is more so a practice of magic utilizing death.
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