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Post # 1
hi i am 22 years old and would like to do magic. i know it takes a lot of prektice and believe to get it right.
is there anyone around that would like to be my mentor PLEASE?????? i need help and would really love it to be able to do magic. i wonted to do it sinse i was little and it always fasanated me.
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Re: help
Post # 2
This is going to sound weird coming from a 13 yr old but

pm me and i could be your mentor ask me whatever you want
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Re: help
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Hi welcome to the site, what magick do you wish to learn?
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Re: help
Post # 4
i dont know yet!!
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Re: help
Post # 5
im 13 ive been doing magic since i could talk plz let me be ur mentor
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Re: help
Post # 6
oh ya i can only teach black magic so if u pick black ill be glad 2 teach u
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Re: help
Post # 7
frenzy522 that will be great thanks
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