In need of expirenced insight

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In need of expirenced insight
Post # 1
I've just recently started practicing. This morning I started some energy exercises that were given to me and I repeated that for about ten minutes. I felt great and could really feel my energy flowing but as soon as I stopped and let my hands fall to my sides all the power in my house went out. It came right back on though. Are there any more expirenced wiccans out there that might have some insight on if this is a good sign or not. Or if anyone thinks this was just a power outage and I could be thinking way too much into it. Any feedback is appreciated.
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Re: In need of expirenced insight
By: / Novice
Post # 2
You did not lose it. Resting is required for all we do. That's all. No worries.
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Re: In need of expirenced insight
Post # 3
Thank you for responding. But it wasn't just my energy that I felt leave me, it was the actual electricity in my home. Like I said it could have been just a weirdly timed power shortage.
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Re: In need of expirenced insight
Post # 4
You could see it as a connection to the energy around you, but you still probably didn't cause the shortage. It is possible you dropped your arms because you felt the surge of electricity before it went out.
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Re: In need of expirenced insight
Post # 5
It really scared me. I honestly was hoping I had stumbled on some awesome power that I hadn't discovered. Lol But everyone in my neighborhood went out as well. Thank you for responding I hadn't thought of it that way yet. But I did feel the energy coming on pretty strong.
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Re: In need of expirenced insight
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Wicca.
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