Weird dream?

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Weird dream?
Post # 1
Every night i have a sort of dream, im not fully asleep but im relaxed and i keep having a "dream" where im at the top of the stairs them twisted ones you get and its really high up and im looking over and fall. I then jolt up awake but it feels so real like that feeling on a roller coster. Happens each nught without gail what could it be or is it just me?
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Re: Weird dream?
Post # 2
I'm quite familiar with lucid dreaming so you could be a lucid dreamer. Dream meaning wise I could only find a similar meaning to it in my Dream interpretation book. I hope this helps (it doesn't mention stairs but spiral ones are pretty high and spiral straight up so it's similar).:

"To dream you fall from a high place denotes many troubles will follow. If you are in love, it indicates that you will never marry your present partner. To the tradesman it denotes decline of business, to the sailor storms and shipwreck."
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Re: Weird dream?
Post # 3
Oh god i thought it was bad enough now what can get worse!
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