help on making good luck

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help on making good luck
Post # 1
i need help on making a good luck ring. pleASE am new to spell castng i really need this spell. thank u
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Re: help on making good luck
Post # 2
If you are new to magic, 'spell casting' is not where you start.

Learn what magic is, what it can do, what it cannot do, and how it works. Than move on to what many call basic practices, meditation, visualization, and energy work. From those, or while working with them, study different aspects of the craft. You will know when you are ready for 'spell casting' as you won't have to ask how to do it because you will have learned how through your own research.
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Re: help on making good luck
Post # 3
you want to be lucky and your ring?

all you have to do is to believe that you have a ring luck

law of attractions can explain it why
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Re: help on making good luck
By: / Novice
Post # 4

If the Law of Attraction worked, everyone who read it would be a millionaire. There is more to it than just belief.

Instead of trying to rely on luck, take control of your life. Start working to make your dreams reality. Don't think it is just going to appear on its own.

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Re: help on making good luck
Post # 5
there are many factors we need to consider why law of attractions doesnt sometimes work

and yeah most of it should be your hardwork
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Re: help on making good luck
Post # 6

If the Law of Attraction worked, everyone who read it would be a millionaire. There is more to it than just belief

-Quote by TiredofGaggs

Ah, the concept of the Law of Attraction derived by Jerry and Esther Hicks. I was first introduced to the concept by a bunch of friends of my mother and am quite familiar with it now , not by choice, when several audio books on the topic are played in my family's car.

Even though I disagree with some of the things they state of and I found their voice mildly irritating, the Law of Attraction is not simply about belief. Essentially , it is utilizing energy that you sent forth coupled with desire and will slapped onto it in an attempt to obtain your desired result. They then discuss ideas that similar energies attract and how one should keep one's energy high when opportunities roll upon one's way.

It should be noted that they also explicitly stated that one should have the neccasary doors open such as to for opportunities to flow through. If the intent of the Law of Attraction is to find a job , you still need to fill out your application. If the intent of the Law of Attraction is to become a millionare , you will most likely fail for you have not the doors open.

Essentially , this law is sending forth energy coupled with will in an attempt to achieve a result and does draw some parallels with Spellcasting.

I personally would not dismiss this concept so utterly even though the two of them , Jerry and Ester have made a few claims I disagree with.

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Re: help on making good luck
Post # 7
Do not call the number before you. It is a scam.
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Re: help on making good luck
Post # 8
You could try reading about charming an object and learn your stuff before actually attempt to spell cast! Reading & writing things down is the best way to learn and get it in your head! Know your stuff before you attempt to do anything or else you could end up bad!:) Good luck!! ~ Acqua
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