Fake Magic and real Magic

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Fake Magic and real Magic
Post # 1
Why do some people on this website talk about and ask questions regarding fictional Magic that cannot possibly be casted. And when I say fictional Magic I talking about fictional creature spells that have been thought up due Hollywood movies
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Re: Fake Magic and real Magic
Post # 2
They often don't know any more about magic than what Hollywood puts out.
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Re: Fake Magic and real Magic
Post # 3
That's true. Certain people get so drawn in that they don't realize that what there watching is actors/actresses are just reading a script that the producer created.
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Re: Fake Magic and real Magic
Post # 4
I think it is more based in a desire that such things be real. People read such books and watch those movies because they wish it would happen to them. They feel their lives are dull in comparison and want that excitement.

If only they could see the magic that flows through everyday life.
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Re: Fake Magic and real Magic
Post # 5
I personally believe that even Hollywood magick has an element of truth, though it is strongly exaggerated. and i cant blame people for not understanding the difference and hope they can learn from this site :)
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Re: Fake Magic and real Magic
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6
Nightqueen has put her finger right on the problem. The script writers of movies and TV shows will have read about magic and witchcraft, so there are always "little bits" of real magic and rituals put into the script.Sorting out he real from the fiction is very difficult for those who do not know. Especially the young!
In the minds of children Harry Potter can seem very "real".
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