just joined this site!

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just joined this site!
Post # 1
well just wanted to put my voice out there I dont have a photo to upload yet so anyhow I believe in the power of music to help as a guide not all of it because there is some real crap out there! I,m sure those of you that say you like all kinds of music would agree?
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Re: just joined this site!
Post # 2
Music can be both relaxing and distracting.. i.e. calm pieceful music is good, but rock is just too fun for meditation lol
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Re: just joined this site!
Post # 3
I think music that the band the doors from the sixties had a real impact on whats happening! also I believe in strength in numbers for sure if you get enough people believing in the same thing strongly enough you can effect change thats the point of covens ect>>
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Re: just joined this site!
Post # 4
yeah i love music but lately it's crap, stuff like the doors, beatles, pink floyd just awsome it helps i so agree
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Re: just joined this site!
Post # 5
It,s nice to connect with like minded individuals, I am of the belief that jim morrison for instance was totally in tuned with the forces of magic and universal rythyms I believe that he was and is a giant when it comes to being a leader in the journey of perception!
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Re: just joined this site!
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6
Jim morrison dabbled a little in the occult, however it was more of a joke to him. He did however find a magical path through takin drugs like payodi. Through the experiences he had while on the drugs he was able to write music that spoke to millions of people. This type of magic can not be learned through books or people but by making a connection to the gods.
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Re: kts!
Post # 7
Well hi there! I absoluley agree with youre thoughts! what do think about any one that claims to have been contacted by jim or even be possesed with his spirit?
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Re: just joined this site!
Post # 8
Music is said to be the universal language of the soul, of which its very name implies. The esoteric value and power thereof is usually not so well spoken of, or minimized to a degree that it is not believed as possessing the capability of influence or manipulation. Socrates stated well when he observed when the modes of music change the fundamental laws of the state change with them. Music is Spiritual, but the impaction of such spirit upon the human psyche is very rarely taken seriously, but the physiological effects upon animate objects (and human beings) are undeniable. I assume that most here BELIEVE that man is Spirit. So I would also assume that most here are willing to except the Spirit influences Spirit, thus having dominance upon the physical INCLUDING man in his physical elements. And if music exists as spirit without the limitations of the physical, it is raw and sheer power, even within the subtleties of certain music that appears inane.
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Re: just joined this site
Post # 9
Thank you for youre thoughts! we are all jesus and have our own crosses to bear music has a following as does charles manson!
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Re: just joined this site!
Post # 10
I agree
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