Luciferian Altar Template

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Luciferian Altar Template
Post # 1
Hello everyone. One thing about Luciferianism is that we do not worship Lucifer, however we do hold him in high regard for his work to free us. One way one can do this is to make an altar to Lucifer. Now I would only use this as a starting point, it is free to customization.

Seeing as though Lucifer is the King of the East, make sure your altar is facing the east, as well the east can symbolize air so one must use incense. I prefer sandalwood, as it is good for thought and meditation, but also is a fairly masculine incense. To pay homepage to Lucifer, it would be wise to have an image of his sigil ( A color commonly associated with Lucifer is blue and white, you may use these colors in your altar. Oils such as cedar wood are helpful, as they too also pay homage to thought. And finally a white candle to represent the light Lucifer shares with mankind.
Now again, this is just my version of a template, you may do your own research and add or take away items as you see fit, for it is your way to express respect for the Morning Star.
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Re: Luciferian Altar Template
Post # 2

What sources do you have for your claims? Where are you getting your knowledge?

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Re: Luciferian Altar Template
Post # 3

And also some own personal interpretations based on my own knowledge of the deity Lucifer, oils, and herbalism. As I said, an altar is meant to be personalized so it comes from a place of deep respect. This was just a basic template open to interpretation and change.
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