Chaos Magic

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Chaos Magic
Post # 1
Can anyone teach me chaos magic? I always wanted to learn.
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Re: Chaos Magic
Post # 2
I can't remember exactly but isn't chaos magick.
Its some thing like write a sentence. Then rewrite the sentence without any vowels( a e I o u) then make a desgin using the letters to make a design. Only the pic can't look as tho there's letter in it.
I'm I anywhere close?
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Re: Chaos Magic
Post # 3
chaos magick is magick that brings order to the world. it can bring great darkness or great lightness! without chaos there well be no order, killing, light, darkness, and life.
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Re: Chaos Magic
Post # 4
Chaos magick adapted other systems of magick(shamanisam,kaballah,high magick,alchemy,invocations,elemental and tool workings and few more..) and made somehow chaotic,primitive,raw more potent form of it.
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Re: Chaos Magic
Post # 5
Well then what the heck I'm thinking of then
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Re: Chaos Magic
Post # 6
chaos is the all and the nothing, Chaos energy is unlimited and bring creatio or destruction. Chaos magick uses a system called sigilisation, that is what you are referring to Mr. Hanson, but chaos magick goes much deeper, chaos is beyond ancient and primal, the first energy to spring from the void, so it can be tricky or dangerous to use if you can't handle it.
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Re: Chaos Magic
Post # 7
I think you're talking about sigils mr. hanson. Blessed be.
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Re: Chaos Magic
Post # 8
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Re: Chaos Magic
Post # 9
Ty u wulfie and the other person.
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