Weather Help!!!! PLZ

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Weather Help!!!! PLZ
Post # 1
Am New And My Powers Are just Getting Started People Say That Controling The Weather Is The Most Easy Things We Can Do I Will Like FOr You To Help Me Make It Rain Plz I Really Wanna Make It Rain I Already No How To control wind.ALL IS WELCOME TO TELL ME HOW TO CONTROL THE WINDS WITH SPELLS OR MAGIC.Dont Want Incrdents Accept Voice And ALl That
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Re: Weather Help!!!! PLZ
Post # 2
Well it depends on who you talk to but elemental magick can be very difficult especially if you don't know how to meditate and gather energy. I personally think the best thing for beginners to start with is candle magick
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Re: Weather Help!!!! PLZ
Post # 3
and I personally say leave the weather alone as you mess all the weather up
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