Hey everyone.
I would like to know, from people with experience, which groups are active? I recently left my old group because there was close to no activity.
I am aware i should "choose this myself" and i will, i would just like oppinions on the best.. thanks!
Black cross is probably a coven with a lot of activity within it's forums, since it has a lot of members.
But this all varies. Some covens may have low activity for like a day or two and then be super active again. Just choose a coven that you think it's suits you the best.
I, personally love my coven and it's members. But it all depends on you really, just choose what you think it's best.
I suggest that you look through the description of each coven. The ones that require its members to be active are generally pretty active. You can also click on the the profiles of the priest and priestess and maybe a few council members to see if they are active. If being active is required and the authorities of the coven are there to enforce the rule, then it's most likely active. Then you just gotta find the right coven. Go with the one that shares the same interests as you, and go with your instinct. Good luck in finding the right coven!
While it is true Black Cross has a lot of members, most of them are not active.
I recommend reading the descriptions of the covens that interest you and maybe message the Priest/ess and a council member or two, your questions about the coven, how active it is, etc., to get a general idea of how it operates.
I would suggest reading the coven description before you apply. Coven members will help you with your studies and help you learn new things. So it would be a good idea if you find a coven that best fits your learning needs.
Another thing that you can do is go onto the Live Chatter and speak to people about Covens. I know Zebrah (Zeb) frequents the chatter and is popular, you can ask them or even send messages to Coven leadership, Priests/esses, Councilors. As Councilor, and Former Priest, of Divine Essence I can share a bit of what it was and what it is now.
In terms to active groups, Spell Casters might be the most active due to it being so large along with Black Cross. However you won't know until you join . So I advise that you simply do some research and talk with people. That is your best bet friend.
Thanks... honestly not what i was looking for as an answer for most replies i just wanted advice from personal experience, as i stated to reading the description, which said "always active", and then when i joined it was like 0 percent active. Thanks anyway