spirit questions

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spirit questions
Post # 1
can spirits hurt us physically??? what aare the ways that spirits can hurt us in??? can i just say stop bothering me ?? to stop the spirit??
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Re: spirit questions
Post # 2
Depends, on the spirit and it's personality.
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Re: spirit questions
Post # 3
Depending on the spirit, if it's a violent spirit, yes it can hurt you,it can hurt you by brusing you, scratching, or even try possessing you. While not all spirits are violent, some can be tricksters, like moving something of yours and putting it somewhere else, to answer you question on "stop bothering me" it may work on some spirits, but notnall
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Re: spirit questions
Post # 4

Has it's been stated above, yes spirits can hurt you. There are very types of spirits out there and most of them will not even look at you. A lot of people believe spirits attack people all the time, this is a wrong line of thought.

There are a lot of different types of spirits and most of them will ignore you. Spirits will try to hurt you emotionally faster than they will physically . They can hurt you physically for many reasons such has:

  • You've been doing wrong to the spirit or his loved ones
  • It's a demonic spirit ( will explain below )
  • They could not break you emotionally
  • You're bad news
  • Etc.

90% of the times, spirits will not try to hurt you however there are exceptions of course.

Most negative spirits are attracted to strong and negative emotions such has anger, sorrow, grief, sadness, revolt etc.. Why? Well because they like to knock you when you're down.

A demonic presence will act clever. It won't give you signs that it's there until after they have tried to hurt you emotionally and have succeeded or failed. When they do show signs of it they won't start by throwing stuff around but rather by making you hear footsteps/voices, feeling cold, knock on a door etc. After they know you know they are there they will come at you strong, for demonic presences will most likely try to possess you and/or hurt you badly. However this happens like one in a million , this is really not common so don't get all jumpy!

You can get rid of a spirit by many ways, blessing your house, expelling him or even make an exorcism, but you should always start by simply asking the spirit to leave your home or you alone, if they do not leave you can go for other measures. But if the spirit isn't harming you in any way, there's no need to expel him.

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