Whats after death?

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Whats after death?
Post # 1
What really happens after death? heavy question but I want the truth not a theory. People probably don't know but I thought I would at least ask.
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Re: Whats after death?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2

What happens after death is purely speculation to everyone, no one can give you the truth if they are still typing on a forum.

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Re: Whats after death?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Spell Suggestions.
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Re: Whats after death?
Post # 4
It cleary depends on you. Sure, of course there is a certain life after Death, but exactly; because it's such a heavy question it depends on you.

I personally support that everything is connected. I believe in reincarnation for example, but I believe in both Hell and Heaven as well.
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Re: Whats after death?
By: / Beginner
Post # 5

You'd think with various people having encounters with spirits there'd be an answer, but there's various reasons to say we have no idea. For one assuming every encounter you heard were true one would assume these spirtis have yet ro cross over so while maybe proving to you that you can exist in spirit form you still would lack proof of a further afterlife. As for other accounts well there are many accounts with shocking similarities from various ages of those near death, but their health condition, the drugs they were on, etc...allow these to be written off as delusions or hallucinations. Even if you met someone who told you the absolute truth about life after death how could you ever be 100% certain? You can have faith in a certain afterlife or belief in what you believe will happen yet until it does nobody truly knows. Death or the true result of it is the biggest mystery of...well life. The best answer anyone can give you is the slightyl morbid statement of "Oh, you'll find out one day don't worry.".

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Re: Whats after death?
Post # 6
Me simple you die and are given a choice either A be reborn and start a new life with a new memory or B laze around in a sun and well just think
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