Psychic Questions

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Psychic Questions
Post # 1
And I have few question about psychic they are:
Can anyone be psychic?
Who is a psychic?
What are the abilities of a psychic?
What can psychic do?
Can a psychic read others minds
How can I know if I am a psychic?
Is psychic evil?
What are the symptoms of a psychic?
Can psychic read future? if then how psychic is reading future?
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Re: Psychic Questions
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
1. Yes but the level you can achieve varies.
2. A lot of people are psychic Nostradamus is a famous one who lived during the 19th century.
3. They use the ability to perceive things hidden from the senses through means of extra-sensory perception, what they can do varies with their abilities, they know what has not been told to them in any other form. They can predict the future, and talk through telepathy to others and spirits.
4.Reading minds is a skill that some psychic's can do but not all. Most can not read minds, but they can feel emotions of others.
5.Can you perceive things that are hidden from the senses?
6. Psychics are not evil.
7. Not sure what you mean cause it is not a desease.
8. Answered in #3.
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