Thoughts for all

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Thoughts for all
Post # 1
I seem to be in a extremely good mood this evening, so for once I feel I would enjoy giving a little back to the community.

For a few days until I delete this post or mention that its enough, i'll do my best to use my personal knowledge base to give out a helping hand.

as long as it isnt Really selfish or outragous, im willing to assist today :)

I would never call myself a Master or Adept, because I plan to never stop learning.

But I do have a fair ammount of practical experiances, and knowledge of sensations and effects.

If you ever had a question about energy manipulation or psi in specific, now is a good time to ask ;)

I will assist with other questions too, but those are some of my better areas.

Try not to flood my inbox ;)

I hope to spread a bit of knowledge around and make things that much better here, even if its only a very small bit.

if useful information is founded here that will help others in the future, i am more than willing to leave this up..

So, consider the door open.
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Re: Thoughts for all
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This is nice of you Flagg. I personally don't have any questions for you though. Don't take it as a bad thing you have only been practicing for a little over a year and a half. But for the short amount of time you have been you do understand more than most with the same amount of time under their belt. I know you know enough to understand that magic takes a lot of time to learn and understand. It also takes a lot of practice to understand and do magical workings.
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Re: Thoughts for all
Post # 3
wats your opinion on the war in 2012
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