Manipulative magic

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Manipulative magic
Post # 1
I was slightly unsure what I should discuss for a first topic, so I thought I'd run some of the basics by the new magicians.
Here's a little something in channelling manipulative magic.
Over the course of my time spent with the occult I've encountered many newer mages who, despite meditating and preparing, see little success in their magic.
My usual response to this is to ask them about how they channel different types of spell. Now I did see a post discussing a similar topic, so I'll do my best to keep this distinct from that.
When we channel a spell it is important to consider the paths it could manifest through. When you identify a route and channel your energy into that path you'll see far greater results than nebulous channelling towards a target.
For instance, imagine you wish to reduce how shy you are. Sure you could drum up some general confidence, but it's far better to research the neurological reasons why you feel shy and target those directly.
For another example, we could take love spells. These are popular, for obvious reasons, but people rarely target the person correctly. It's all well and good to visit people in dreams and charm them, but its better to understand the neuroscience behind physical attraction and target that.
I suppose my message is do your research before casting, might even find a new personal interest.
You needn't research in crippling depth, just get a decent idea about it.
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Re: Manipulative magic
By: / Novice
Post # 2

This is actually a good point, and very accurate. A healthy understanding of neuroscience, conversational hypnosis, Neurolinguistic Programing or psychology is extremely helpful in magical practice. Remember, magic is not just lighting the candle and saying a few words, but also what you do to follow through.

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Re: Manipulative magic
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Hear hear! Well said! I'd not considered it done this way, but now that you've mentioned it, it makes a lot of sense :) It should change how I practice magic!
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