In need of seniors help

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In need of seniors help
Post # 1
Hello all
I'm new here. I'm really interested in Magic. I would like to know if anyone can share their experiences with spells. And also please let me know how to cast a spell! Can we create our own spells or is there any instructions to it ?
I really want to do it for good purpose only no black magic since I dont have or want any grudges
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Re: In need of seniors help
Post # 2
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Re: In need of seniors help
Post # 3
"please let me know how to cast a spell!"
To cast a spell you need to know what it is you want to accomplish. You will need to be able to visualize the result of the spell prior to casting it. Create sacred space, if you desire, call forth those beings you wish to ask for assistance, raise energy, imprint your desire on the energy (through visualization), release the energy into the world, thank any beings you called on for help, and release the sacred space.

"Can we create our own spells or is there any instructions to it"
You can create your own spells. There are a myriad of ways to go about creating spells so you may need to research that. The simplest instructions on how to create are spell are this: if has to be possible in the physical world, you need to identify the way in which the spell will manifest, you need to identify any correspondence items you intend to use in the spell (herbs, stones, colors, candles, and so on), identify a time for the working to take place, and decide on the words or gestures you intend to use (this you might want to practice).
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Re: In need of seniors help
Post # 4
My advice would be to study. Buy books on magic. Do research online. Watch You Tube videos made by witches. Attempt to do spells on your own and see what works for you. Witchcraft is a personalized craft which works best when we shape it to our own beliefs and skill set. For example, I have a friend who invokes the Goddess everytime she does a spell, another friend is strongly against invoking the Goddess because she feels that spells should be done with your own power and I always ask the spirits to assist me in my work because I deal with spirits all the time (since childhood).
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