HoTM: Marigold

CovenNatural Magick ► HoTM: Marigold
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HoTM: Marigold
Post # 1
September's Herb of The Month is Marigold!

In different traditional customs, this flower is used for varying purposes. Which one do you find the most interesting? The name within the different traditions has different translations. Which did you find the most fascinating? Did you know this plant is a natural animal and insect repellent? How about that butterflies findit delicious? Of the different ways it can be used to heal, which do you think is most useful? Have you ever smelled marigolds before? Do you think you would ever use them in aromatherapy?

Re: HoTM: Marigold
Post # 2
Not sure if I would ever use it for aromatherapy. I know it has natural healing properties as well. Apparently, it is good for digestive issues. You also can make salves and lotions from it for the skin.

Re: HoTM: Marigold
Post # 3

I found some marigold essential oil online I want but I'll be checking at Walmart since it will be faster and cheaper if I don't have to wait. I have some seeds I will be planting of the flower when I get more soil. Marigold's were used in Hindu temples so Heather would probably use them I'm guessing as an offering to Kali.

They are considered to be a flower of grief and pain given to someone to ease it. So it sounds like a good aroma to use while meditating with rose quartz since that stone also helps ease emotional wounds. That or dried and crushed flower petals rolled on a candle or the essential oil dressed on a candle and burned for negativity like Agiel does. I think that would work very nicely.

Since it helps sooth grief it might go well with marjoram. The two plants dried, crushed, and put into a sachet with a few small pieces of rose quartz as an example and passed through some incense that corrospondes. For dressing a candle I personally would use a yellow or orange one. As to me they symbolize happiness. Which is the end result you would want. Out of the darkness and into the light. At the end of sadness you wish to be happy again.



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