Darkess and Light

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Darkess and Light
Post # 1
I need someone to help me please , i am trying to find a ritual to awaken the darkness of the soul, i have seen it once it contains several different sigils and seals, the ritual its self sommons all the darkness of the soul to be completly controled by the being casting the ritual if anyone can help me it would be greatly apprciated
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Re: Darkess and Light
Post # 2
Can you give a good reason as to why?!!
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Re: Darkess and Light
Post # 3
my religion is bassed on balance between light and darkness
i have recently begun ritual tattoos on myself in order to more aless bring focus to my mental and spiritual being and at this point the only peice of the ritual that is missing is the ritual that i have requested help on
asentualy i would be useing the rituals equally to bring forth my true spiritual being

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Re: Darkess and Light
Post # 4
yes i know one and the time to do it is coming up too its a ritual that includes you the halloweens night and a white and black candle if ytou wanna know more just message me
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