gazing the sites rules I see pretending to be a werewolf, vampire, half bla half bleh etc is not encouraged. but there are numerous so called spells here to turn you into one.
Re: Did admins just quit ? By: Loner94
Post # 2 Dec 16, 2017
You post is false no where in the ruoes does it say or list anything you mentioned.
And there will be times that certain individuals will post silly fictional nonsense.
Also there are plenty of moderators that work hard to maintain order on this site so they will enforce what they can and petrarca will half to be the one who removes content from the site
No my post is not false. In the SoM Survival Guide you can see it under SoM Hierarch Fluffy. Since being a Fluffy is the lowest you can go in the website and it spesifically says "Pretending to be the following - A Vampire, A Mermaid, A Werewolf, A Demon, A Half this and that Hybrid, or anything mythological or legendary in nature.
This is why I was confused.
Re: Did admins just quit ? By: Loner94
Post # 5 Dec 16, 2017
My other reply i apologize if i can off to harsh thought you were talking about that stuff being in the rules.
The survival guide is to help you survive on the site and what to do and not to do and help you understand the the site and how it works.
Re: Did admins just quit ? By: Loner94
Post # 6 Dec 16, 2017
Also there is the spell caster coven which automatically promotes its members to the status of council and them at that point users can post spells to the site and articles and some of the spell are silly and nonsense but sometimes trolls get into covens with leadership and post fluffy content.
So once these spells are posted up to the site the will remain as only the administrator Petrarca has the authority to delete spells from the site
No one wants to spend their day removing content when better things can be done.
Basically, it's up to any magick user themselves to pick and choose what they believe, use, etc.
Some creatures, hybrids, and others either do exist or possibly have at some point so it's hard to say some things should be on SOM and some shouldn't.
It is not encouraged, but we cannot prevent users from posting fake spells. A portion of the community is young and inexperience who do not know better while we have other users who privately role play outside of the chat. As mentioned at the bottom of every page, the website is for entertainment purposes only. It comes with any website that is as diverse and public as this one. These fake spells also brings site traffic which keeps the website running because of the popularity of such spells. Our editors and the staff team try to do their best to keep the spells organized. New spells get added each day and there are dozens of them.
Re: Did admins just quit ? By: Charoite
Post # 9 Dec 16, 2017
The fluff spells generate more traffic for this site, which also helps keep it running through the use of ads on the sides. But as already mentioned its up to serious practitioners to decipher from what is real and what is not.