Simple question

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Simple question
Post # 1

Is blood magic safe, and does it help with making cirtain spells last/work better?

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Re: Simple question
Post # 2
Whether it is safe depends on a lot of things, such as how the blood is drown, from where, how often, and what is done with the blood.

The two most common purposes of blood magic are to give a more direct personal connection to a working, and to give a bit of 'life energy' for the sake of an entity associated with a working.

If you want to incorporate blood in your practice, I suggest a lot more research than just asking strangers on the Internet.
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Re: Simple question
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
Well, blood magic only requires one or two drops of blood, and it should only be used with extreme caution. Basically, a safe way to do it is use a sterilized needle and pin prick your finger and only use one or two drops. You shouldn't make yourself bleed excessively for it. And yes, it will enhance your spells, since blood is essentially our life force. You can add the drops into an essential oil and use it to dress a candle if you do candle magic. But afterwards you should thoroughly clean and dress the wound, and dispose of anything that your blood touched.but as I mentioned, you should be extremely careful so you don't hurt yourself too bad, or get the wound infected. And if you do choose to use blood magic, you should never put your blood on someone else, or drink or consume it in anyway since even like a tablespoon can cause haemochromatosis.
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Re: Simple question
Post # 4

I know a bit on blood magic, but I just wanted a second oppenion along with if ir hwlps with spell strangth. Thanks, and i'll keep it 1-2 drops and Only use blood magic if I Really need it.

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