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Post # 1
I'm something of a skeptic on magic, as a whole, though I do believe in a few forces beyond what is the standard human normal and am looking to see where they come from and see about other experiences. Don't really want to rattle off my own bit because it's lengthy and most of these kinds of sites have been dead-ends in the past, but I do need to put a little here I suppose.

I live each day seeing this world in two forms. The standard every day, where we interact and live together; you call a cat a cat and everyone generally agrees on visuals. And at once, one that is tainted by bloodied streets and skies full of liquid malice, creatures that appear so rotted and deformed that you might mistake them for living, bloated, roadkill with enough parts to be sure there are extra bodies present, humans twisted and deformed into what many might call horrors, and amongst all this beings that shine radiantly and exude peace and good.
With the above in consideration, I don't tend think of things quite the same as most people for better or worse.

Anything else of quick note is in the profile. Looking forward to seeing what people here are like, for whatever time we're together.
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