Tech magick

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Tech magick
Post # 1
i made this thread because i don't know much about it, so i'm going to ask if someone can tell me what i is and maybe some examples of how o use it. Would this be an example, has anyone ever heard of huff paranormal on YouTube well if you have then would what he does be considered tech magick?
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Re: Tech magick
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
If he's a paranormal investigator then no. Using tech to "supposedly" detect spirits and other entities is just that tech not magick. I have never heard the term tech magick outside of fiction where I have heard the term techno sorcery which is the fictional combination of magick & sometimes scifi level technology. In reality I have once heard of someone who had the mistaken impression they could control technology which is not known to be possible and then I suppose you might call it tech magick if you were able to cast magick through technology. What I mean is I've heard of some empaths who feel that they can sense emotions somehow over the internet which admittedly seems farfetched, I would assume some people have used online profile photos & pages to channel spells at a desired target, etc.... So I suppose magick that somehow uses technology at all could be labeled tech magick, but in the end magick is magick.
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Re: Tech magick
Post # 3
I guess i was just mistaken. Thanks for the input.
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Re: Tech magick
Post # 4
Tech magic is a thing, but I doubt it is like you're expecting.

It is the use of technology in occult arts and witchcraft, as a tool but not so much as a direct connection or a means of influence. I'll give examples later on.

It seems the majority of videos on Huff Paranormal are about using a "spirit box" as a divination tool, believing it is a possible method of communicating with spirits. The way these work is that they are a scanner which sweeps (whether through the AM or FM radio band, stopping at a frequency for a minimal amount of time), so it picks up snips of audio rather than full songs or conversations. The concept originated at the absolute advent of radio, when someone (I forget who, honestly) heard voices on a receiver, when literally nobody was broadcasting.

The way 'tech magic' is more of a thing, is using a computer or virtual space to build altars, temples, ritual arenas, and the like. People will use things like Minecraft, 3-D rendering software, blogs, and even just make collages of images for the purpose. They may also collect images for spellwork, to arrange, transfer energy and intent, and more, just as they would with physical objects.

Another excellent use is an aid for visualization. One of my favorite occult-related vloggers has been using some 3-D software to suspend visualized elements of elaborate rituals in mid-air for his digital characters. It very much improves explanations when the verbal alone might seem vague or too complex.
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Re: Tech magick
Post # 5
thank you, now i know i wasn't mistaken.
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