Few suggestions

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Few suggestions
Post # 1
Spells to gain energy , Spells to fasten or unlock doars,
Charm to see occult things, Charm of confusment, Trap spell

Some of those I may add myself, but those are what lack , atleast in my coven!

Now please , be creative I'd apreciate it very much! :)
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Re: Few suggestions
Post # 2
Here are some from my BOS-

-Spell of Opening

Chant the following while making the sign of a pentagram over the lid of the jar or over the lock:

Open like the mother’s womb,
Open like the unfilled tomb.

Close your eyes and concentrate. If it is a jar lid, feel strength coming down your arm. Give it one good twist, imagining that your hand is a vise grip and made of steel. If it is a key, simply concentrate on knowing that the key will turn. If it is a lock, concentrate an all the picks in the key lock going into place and turning to unlock it.

-See what is hidden in the darkness

This spell will show you what most humans can't see with their own eyes.

Just say:

Evil that lurks with in darkness
Appear in my sight
Let me see what chooses to hide
In the night

To reverse it:

Evil that lurks with in the darkness
Vanish from my sight
Do not let me see what choses to hide
In the night

-Spell For More Energy

I breathe in brightness, life and power
I breathe out sadness, tired, old,
with every breath I draw within me
living energies unfold
from my tingling toes
through my legs it flows
to my body, to my heart
to my head, that is a start
flowing freely all through me
bright and glorious energy
make me light and make me free
Tis my will, so shall it be!

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Re: Few suggestions
Post # 3
Awsome. Tnx , very much for posting!
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