help fast

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help fast
Post # 1
u know a spell to make time go faster
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Re: help fast
Post # 2
Speed Up Time
A spell to make time go by faster.

Draw a pentacle on your left hand using the blessed red pen. Visualize a sand clock as you draw.

Now put your left on your third eye and say:

"Sands of time show me thy way
Turn the nights into days
Rose petals so light and grace
Speed up time now, in this place."

This spell will work up to 24 hours or until the pentacle is erased, naturally or washed.
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Re: help fast
Post # 3
how do we bless a pen?
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Re: help fast
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
The same way you bless any magical object. Hold it in you hand and charge it with energy while thinking about the pen being blessed with your magic. You can say "I bless this pen with the power to do my bidding".
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Re: help fast
Post # 5
okay thank u
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