Help with spellcasting

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Help with spellcasting
Post # 1
I've been reading the forums a lot now and have a small grasp on magick and what Wicca is, but I have been trying to create a psi ball as a start to my magick practice. Well "trying" is the keyword here because I haven't been able to make one, or at least feel the energy from it. I also read somewhere that the magick we do here is in the spiritual world and physical in ways, as certain things you can do because it's spiritual, but other things you can't do because it is too physical for it to happen. I haven't really tried spells yet either, but I haven't been able to meditate correctly, or at least I think. Can anybody help me on what I'm having trouble with? As I am new and I hope this community help me. Thank you.
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Re: Help with spellcasting
Post # 2
Hello Mr. Alien,
So you're having troubles in getting in touch with your own energy and manifesting it through simple exercises. I hope I understood that correctly. One thing I learned over my years of practice is when you start out with any sort of work, you realize you may or may not be able to sense the energy or entities you're working with. You can have all the right ingredients, performed it correctly and said everything right but you still don't perceive anything or feel any different. This is normal in the beginning. Not everyone will be able to notice these things right off the bat. That's where the patience and practice comes in. We start off with baby steps and don't rush it. If you don't feel you've got it right then take a deep breath, relax and try again without rushing. If you find yourself getting frustrated, take a break as your emotions can and will affect your work.

Let's first address the Psi ball exercise. Get in a relaxed position (avoid laying completely flat if possible), listen to soft music or something that helps you let go and not worry. Take a few minutes just relaxing then hold your hands in front of you with the palms facing each other roughly 6-8 inches apart. Close your eyes, stay relaxed and in your mind picture a small dot of white light forming between your palms. Don't worry about making it basketball sized, super bright, or anything like what you may have seen on TV. You may not feel the energy from that visualization (a crucial skill to develop for ritual and spell workings) Feel energy come up from the floor/ground in through your feet (feet should always be firmly on the ground especially when you start off to keep you grounded) moving at a snail's pace up to your knees, your hips, moving up your torso, into your shoulders, down your arms to your wrists, into your hands where you feel it pushing into your little dot of light. Do this for at least 10-15 minutes at first and you can increase this if you'd like. As you do this exercise you'll start to feel a slight tingling as the energy moves through you and a light pressure between your palms like magnets repelling each other. Your little light will start to expand as you feel you're ready for it, and eventually, you won't need to mentally walk yourself through every step and it will just come naturally.

This exercise is great for starting out as it's giving you the ability to raise power and how to direct it. Being able to do that will make your rituals and spells more powerful and effective, and as you keep practicing that will only continue to increase.

This is also a form of meditation, and not all meditation is like Hollywood style sitting in a weird position chanting, eyes closed for long periods of time. Doing something repetitive like doing chores, drawing even if it's just scribbling, gardening, relaxing in your favorite spot with your favorite drink listening to your favorite chill music is all different ways to do 'active' meditation. The basics are to not only clear your mind but gradually training yourself to focus on one single thing at a time and then you can move on to more advanced things such as chakra working, unconscious self-work (also known as shadow work) and I could keep going on, but this should be enough to get you started. Good Luck!
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Re: Help with spellcasting
Post # 3
I have tried what you said about the Psi ball and it actually worked and better than the other ones I've tried on this site and I thank you for your help and I would be interested in hearing about shadow work.
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