New to magic

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New to magic
Post # 1
Hello everyone! I'm just starting on my mystical journey and need some guidance.. what is the best way to cast your protection circle before performing any magic? Also what are your thoughts about the Ouija board? If I cast a protection circle will it still work? Tia for any help!
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Re: New to magic
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from General Info.
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Re: New to magic
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

Hello and welcome to the site. Please remember to spell out your words completely and not use text speak. Text speak is against the rules here because it makes it difficult for our members for whom English is not their primary language to understand posts. So it's "Thanks in advance.", not "TIA"

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Re: New to magic
By: / Beginner
Post # 4

The best way to form a protection circle is to do what you're most comfortable with. Personally the most important aspect of casting a sacred/protective circle is visualisation; visualising the sphere of protective energy rising above you and descending below your feet so the whole area is protected in three dimensions.

There are multiple ways to cast a protective circle, most of the methods are quite similar to each other. They mostly involve calling upon the elements (earth, air, fire, water) of the directions (north, east, south, west) to protect you and lend you their power. You can look up online or on YouTube "how to cast a sacred/protective/magic circle". You'll find multiple ways of doing it. You'll probably find that they all have visualisationof the protective sphere in common.

As for ouija boards, I have mixed emotions. I have no doubt that they work. The issue for me is that they work a little too well. They are immensely powerful, and therefore dangerous if you have no idea what you're dealing with (as was 12-year-old me). They are great for spirit communication, but if you want to talk to a spirit in particular you should do so with caution. There are other beings who try to pretend to be someone else.

A lot of people have a lot of success with them.But I wouldn't use one until you know what you're doing and how to protect yourself, and, most importantly, how to banish something if it does go wrong.

I don't really like to think about when I used to use them. It's a dark place for me. I don't think I will be using one again for a long time. I once vowed that I would never use one again, but I appreciate that they are important tools and not always bad. If I ever did use one again, I would make sure that I knew what I was doing.

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Re: New to magic
Post # 5
Thank you. Sorry for that.
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Re: New to magic
Post # 6
Thank you so much! This information was extremely helpful. I've never used a quija board and if I do decide to I will do some serious research before use. As for the circle I will keep digging to find the best way for me. Thanks again!
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Re: New to magic
By: / Beginner
Post # 7

The sacred circle that I personally use is from Selene Silverwind's "The Witch's Journal". She makes things simple for beginners but also thorough. It's basic enough for a beginner to grasp but not so simple that you feel like you're not making a sacred space at all.

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Re: New to magic
By: / Novice
Post # 8
Well there's many ways to cast a circle and the best one is the one that works for you [personally I've gone from an elaborate one from Raymond Buckland requiring candles to a chant similar from The Craft and no markers at all] the key really is to feel the energy and to create that sacred space. Once the circle is cast you should feel different [warm, calm, safe, energized etc] that's how you know you cast correctly [dont feel bad if you don't feel 'different' right away, or don't feel anything profound the first time. It can take time to get use to working with energy to fully feel it] I would also look into charging, grounding, centering, shielding and psi balls so you can get more acquainted with energy work.

As for Ouija Boards that's a debated subject a newbie witch might wish to avoid for the time being. Ouija Boards are seen by some as tools, and toys to others. To those who believe in it it can be pure evil, dangerous, or merely a tool. Ouija Boards are spirit magnets, if you put energy into it you can use it with or without a circle [but a circle acts as a filter keeping you safe for whatever the board is pulling in] I have a Board [haven't used it in years] I cleansed, blessed, and charged it and treat it as a tool. The thing to remember is to be polite, say goodbye, don't trust everything a spirit tells you, and if a spirit lingers in your home, you can always cleanse and protect. Ouija Boards aren't as terrifying as people think, just use it wisely. [if I were you however I would focus on other studies before playing with a Ouija Board just to be safe. A pendulum can be used to commune with spirits and is far less likely to result in unwanted guests]
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