someone help

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someone help
Post # 1
im just trynna sell my soul for fame and money to promote my art and make music. how I do that??
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Re: someone help
Post # 2

Firstly, you need to spell out your words. Abbreviations are a violation of the rules of this site.

Secondly, if you wish to work with spirits, you need some years of study under your belt. There are many great resources to get started, and most begin with some method of meditation, done daily, until a certain state can be achieved for a certain amount of time. From there, these traditions typically introduce banishing, daily, after meditation.

Choose a tradition. Follow it to the letter. If it does not fit your beliefs, learn some discipline from it, and choose a different tradition. Follow it to the letter.

All of that said, there is really no such thing as selling one's soul. Most entities -- even malevolent entities -- would not be interested. However, the concept of dedication to an entity, and trading some benefitsfor proselytizing on its behalf, might garner some attention. Basically, spirits like attention. Learn what you're doing, and in a few years when you're ready, take the step.

Of course, there is a much shorter path: Dedicate yourself to your art and music, and become better and better. Learn how to market yourself. Put yourself out there, promote yourself, create works of art and music, and put on shows.

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Re: someone help
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Introduce Yourself.
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Re: someone help
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Kind of love how someone would trade their eternal being for one life of fame and fortune. It's a good thing it's not possible because your goal is really short sighted. If you wand riches, fame and fortune, as terrible as this sounds, you need determination and practice [in other words hard work will get you places] you cannot sell your soul to anything for any reasons.

What you can do is combine practice with magic and practical ventures. Practice with a luck spell, money spell, even a spell to be noticed could help you, but it all has to be combined with you working hard every day to improve, find work in the field, and stand out.
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