Many people believe we go to hell or heaven after death while wiccans believe we go to summerland. I myself believe we go summerland after death. I just wanted to know what others believe in.
I believe we are lead by our beliefs after we die. Some reiencarnated while others can go to summerland. I personally want to go to summerland but I know i have reincarnated before.
I don't know what believe at movement but hard for me as my family don't believe in witchcraft I do but too angery for words to use at movement but do believe in Heaven but won't be go there done too many sins but do see hell as under ground sprit but won't be there as well.
I think be returned back to earth for some under finshed job I do believe there some out there.
I think we can't really know for certain. All we have is tales of people's individual experiences, and attempted interpretations. I see it sort of like the analogy of several blind people touching a different part of an elephant.
I myself have never heard of summerland. Could I please get a brief summary? Well as brief as possible? I do believe in heaven and hell but Im currently at odds with the Christian God and have chosen to follow the Greek gods mainly for some help in certain spells requiring a god/goddess.
Re: What do you believe? By: ConureHerdr2 / Novice
Post # 7 Jan 24, 2018
Summerland is basically Wiccan 'heaven', said to be a place where it's sunny and green all the time. Rather that's what I was taught. Others see it as a place souls go to rest between incarnations.
As for me, I'm not sure what I believe. I believe in a place all souls go and can come back from, plus reincarnation. Could be another dimension, could be a rift in the fabric of existence. Who knows, heh.
So basically it's tied over religion beliefs, but I believe in getting it done as per choice. Yes! I'm confident enough to choose reincarnation, heaven life or other places like Agartha or Shambhala, all one has to do is follow the religions that promote such afterlife.
I agree with Tylr. No one knows for sure what happens after death, yet i feel that whatever we believe in while we are alive is what happens to us. So if you believe that you will go to Summerland after you die, then that's where you go. If you believe in Heaven and Hell, then i guess when you die, since you mostly likely believe in God, he decides which of those places you go. And if your like my step-dad and believe that someone or something is in charge after death, but won't pick a religious or spiritual view, then maybe nothing happens.
Yet, on a different side, when we die, it could just be whatever we invision death to be. So, if your dieing and you believe in Summerland and those are the thoughts that you have, then that's how your mind will play out, until either the rest of eternity, or the off-chance that you get renicrnated.
Honestly, it's whatever you believe. I believe that there is some truth to every form of death, Heaven & Hell, Summerland, nothing, and the others. That maybe spirituality is definded by us. So, if we believe this or that, then that's how the spiritual side of thing's will be.
For example:
if person A believes in Odian, and thor and the rest, and whatever spiritual worlds/beings go with that belief, then thats how it will be, not only in death, but in how they see spirituality as well as work with it
where as person B believes in God, and so they have only one spiritual place, Heaven and hell, and only angels, demons, and saints. So therefore thats all they can see, feel, and work with.
I believe that every belief exsists side by side, and when we strongly connect with on, then that is how thing's will be