The elements.
We can consider elements to be a number of things, particles, such as the periodic table of elements or ingredients to creating something even as simple as bread. The elements most think of, in terms of magic and magical properties are the four elements: Water, Fire, Air and Earth.
Regardless of your line of practice or personal beliefs, the elements of nature are often intertwined into much of what we do day to day. We look outside to see if we need a rain jacket before heading out. We plan our summer BBQ dependent on the sun. We secure items when the winds pick up and we utilize camp fires and wood stoves for heat and heart (memories gathered).
So, when developing your skills and practices in your craft, is it necessary to identify with or work with one particular element? The short answer is no. Casting and rituals are not depending on any one element or even necessary. It all comes down to your belief and practices. Some individuals use the moon phases to help align with what they are casting. This is one area I personally practice because I believe strongly in the aid of the gravitational pull and its effects and influences on what I am casting. An example is when casting fertility spells I always start after the new moon, so my spell will grow with the moon as a baby grows in the womb. But casting with the full moon or new moon cycles isnt necessary for everyone, only what you believe and practice.
Looking at the elements, many people feel a connection or a draw to a specific element. Some feel a kindred connection to an element. Working with one in particular does not mean you cannot use the others, it just means you find your connection to that one stronger and you can use it to aid you when casting. When casting a circle prior to a spell, I connect the four directions and the four elements, often using something to represent each; lit candle (fire), bowl of water (usually I use moon water), incense with a feather (wind) and a jar of dirt (just like jack sparrow). If you feel you have a deep connection to fire, for example, you can write your spells to utilize your ability to draw strength from this element. This can help enhance your spell.
What about phobias? Do you fear burning to death? Drowning? Personally, I have always feared drowning. I am a strong swimmer and I love being out in the water but I have always kept a deep sense of fear about the water. Where does this come from? An unknown fear could be, some believe, a past life experience. Maybe I did drown in a past life and the fear is still present as a residual memory. Perhaps when my little sister almost drowned and I was racing to save her, was where the fear developed. Regardless, water isnt my strongest element for that reason. It does not mean I cannot have a relationship with it. It simply means, for me, that I work better with other elements.
So, what element is the strongest? Many will argue and disagree over this. I have spent many hours pondering this myself. I have come up with a calculation for each element. The one that I found to be the strongest and most powerful was Air. This isnt a fact, just my perception on the matter. Here is how I based this calculation:
Water > Fire (water can put out and stop a fire in large quantities)
Water > Earth (water can move the earth and shape it)
Water < Air (air controls the manner in which water moves-creating waves)
Fire = Earth (while fire can scorch the earth, the earth can smother a fire. This could be argued to be fire is stronger, since the earth smothers by removed air, so air is actually the stronger one)
Fire < Air (fire can only exist with air)
Earth < Air (air can shape the earth, look at the mountains and desert landscapes to see how winds carve out the earth)
Out of this calculation, Air is stronger that Earth, Fire and Water, but again, that is my personal calculation. Each element offers its own properties and uses that the others cannot offer.
What elements (if any) do you use or practice with? What connection do you have to each? Think about these questions and share them publicly or privately with others to try and expand your use and practices. What are some things you can do to strengthen your connection to an element?
There is no right or wrong answer. Most find immersing themselves within the element is key to better understanding its properties and power. Sitting near a running brook in the forest is one of my favorite things to do to try and strengthen my connection to water, simply because it is the one I fear the most. Sitting around a camp fire and just watching the flames talk to you and dance is another thing I like to do. Listening to the wind or better yet, watching the wind is simply amazing. I love the way the leaves at the very tops of the trees almost flutter and wave as a breeze passes through. Sticking your hands into the dirt to feel the pulse of nature right at your fingertips is more powerful than anything else I have tried.
I would love to hear what you use for elements and how you stay connected to them.
Just remember, the strong winds that take down the mighty oak, only bend the blades of grass.