prevent writers block.

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prevent writers block.
Post # 1

Sorry if i posted in the wrong place.

I am as the title says, a writer. I am writing a novel and a script. The novel is about a man in the early 1900's, that is on his life journey. As he gets lost he meets people that teach him on the way. He will take many train trips away from his old life. I will be naming it "The man who's face is unseen". The script if for a soon to be completed youtube animated series, an AU (artists universe) of the series " Warrior cats".

I was curious . I heard that there are teas, such as black tea with a couple of drops of lemon that can help prevent a writers block. I have tried the tea recipe and i can say that it helps. I also work out to help clear my mind. Does anyone else know another way to help prevent writers block by any chance? I have been also doing things on the side such as, changing up my diet so im not drinking unnatural caffene (energy drinks, soda/pop, etc..), i don't eat out, and i work out for an hour daily. I'm not fully expecting magic to unblock the writers block, but any little tip that can help would be wonderful!

To those who don't know what writers block is:

It's basically like a stump, or a lost of an idea for a writer. This can also go for artists who can't figure out what to draw.

Blessed be!

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Re: prevent writers block.
Post # 2

That novel you are writing sounds interesting. It sounds like something i would most likely read. Yes, black tea has many benefits. Taking amino acids after and before you work out will help with weight loss, help improvements, and having a clearer mindset for writing. Also, try and cut the caffeine like energy drinks or what what one of my coworkers calls it, the death trap chemical.

If you have the time, i would suggest 40 minutes of soothing "cool blue" meditation and grounding. As that can help with irritation and stress related to anything.

***Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, if you have severe medical problems in which you cannot take amino acid suppliments, then don't do it. If you can't, then eat an apple.****

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Re: prevent writers block.
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Spell Suggestions.
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Re: prevent writers block.
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4

Citrine is also useful for helping prevent writer's block. Keep a citrine point near you when you are writing might help you out.

Some other stones that might help include Tiger's Eye, clear Quartz, Sodalite, and Amber.

And for non-magical ideas take a look at these from the Writer's Workshop -

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