Enter a coven

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Enter a coven
Post # 1
Which coven would be a good idea to join for a beginner?
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Re: Enter a coven
Post # 2
This depends on what you want to gain by joining a coven and what you have to offer to the coven. If you Just want to post spells to the site, join the spellcasters coven, there is no application process and you are automatically made a council member so that you can post spells and rituals. It you want what I describe as the “family feel” coven to make friends and learn about magick from other beginners join a small, active group (personally this is what I would recommend). Depending on how “beginner” you are, if you have practiced a few years, you could try applying to a bigger coven with more experienced practitioners to learn from. Above all listen to your gut, it will rarely leads you wrong. Good luck!
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Re: Enter a coven
By: / Novice
Post # 3
My coven, Teen Witches, is open to beginners aged 14-18 if that suits you. If not, read through the coven profile pages and see if any stand out to you. And if you have any questions about a coven, mailing the HP is a great idea. I know I'm always willing to answer questions about the coven, and I'm sure other HP's are as well. I wish you luck with your path!
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